Howard Civil Engineering were thrilled to be invited to speak on our dedication to our apprentices at Efficiency North’s ‘Nurturing the Next Generation of Talent’ seminar in Sheffield this week.

Sharing the stage with representatives from EN:Able Futures, The Institute of Civil Engineers and Generation 4 Change, the discussion focussed on the importance of plugging the skills shortage in the construction industry by creating more opportunities to budding apprentices in the Yorkshire and Humberside region.

Commenting on Howard Civil Engineering’s focus on increasing our talent pool of apprentices, Commercial Director John Cartwright emphasised that ‘putting energy into the next generation underpins our business plan’.

Having already supported ten EN:Able apprentices in over the past five years, our growth plan moving forward highlights a commitment to developing our own apprenticeship programme and further engaging with EN:Able Futures to enhance and expand our candidate resources. We pride ourselves in taking a long-term approach towards new appointments and aim to offer our apprentices permanent positions.

It is our aim to welcome at least 5 additional apprentices with roles in site engineering and operation this year, whilst continuing to support our existing apprentices in their endeavours to achieve higher apprenticeship levels.

With internal appointments constituting 80% of our Senior Management Team, Howard Civil Engineering have demonstrated a continued commitment to developing our talent pool and we look forward to maintaining our partnership with EN:Able in future.

We never usually need an excuse to indulge in cake on a Friday in the office but last Friday we also contributed to a good cause. Sophie Henderson from our estimating department, pictured here on the right, organised the event and was successful in raising £152.65 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Well done Sophie!!

Howard Civil Engineering are pleased to be commencing the groundworks for this new hospital in York for Wates this September. 

In September 2017 Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) appointed Wates for this new Mental Health purpose-designed Hospital, which will be located off York’s Haxby Road.

The new £27 million, 72 bed hospital will provide two adult, single sex wards and two older people’s wards and is due for completion end 2019.

With steel erection commencing in 5 weeks time, here’s hoping the weather will be kind.

More detail can be found regarding the scheme here

The end of September will see us returning to Harworth to carry out the ground works for the second phase of Persimmon Homes’s manufacturing facility. A circa 80million brick per annum facility was commissioned in 2017. This complimentry roof tile factory will complete the site. More details about the site can be found here

In just a few weeks time one of our Contract Managers, James Page (Jazz), will be switching his site boots for walking boots as he and 2 of his friends take on the Trek to Everest Basecamp Challenge. Pictured above (Jazz on the left), they’ve been wearing in their boots over the summer with treks in the Lakes and our own Yorkshire 3 Peaks.

They are raising money to support the family of their great friend Paul Banton.

Taken from their ‘Just Giving’ page, in their own words

The story behind our Mount Everest Challenge…….

Around 2 years ago one of our closest and dearest friends, Paul Banton, at the age of 39 was diagnosed with MND (Motor Nurone Disease). His condition is terminal with between 2-5 years left of his life to spend with his beautiful wife and children.

Only 3 months prior to his diagnosis, Paul was made redundant from his job as a Managing Director at Polestar which has added additional financial stress to what is already a difficult time. Since that day Paul, his loving wife Vikki and their two amazing young children Jack,11 and 7 year old Max have embarked on an unthinkable battle taking each day as it comes.

We don’t know exactly how long we will be blessed with having Paul in our lives but we do know that we want to fill every second we can with amazing memories of seeing him and his family smile. Family days out, unexpected treats and the relief that his family will be supported when he can’t be there – that’s why we’re climbing Everest on the 4th October.

I’m sure like to show your support to Jazz by visiting his Just Giving Page and helping him and his friends reach their fund raising goal.

We finished the stone cladding to this river wall repair just as the river levels were rising. We knew from experience how volatile the level of the River Ribble in Settle could be. We’d had to admit defeat last September (2017) when the river consistently rose over 1.5m in height every few days reflecting the wet late summer. This meant that placing the concrete to the foundation of our precast retaining wall sections behind our 1m high dam had become impossible. Such was the speed of the river when the level rose, anything left in the river was washed away and destroyed. River data and weather forecasts were analysed to predict a 3 day window but in the end we had to pull off site.

The long dry summer of 2018 gave us the 12 week window we needed to return to successfully carry out the work. The finished product showcases the skill of a local stone mason.

Heavy rain, high river levels and scouring caused this river wall collapse in 2016. The wall forms part of the Arla Dairy boundary, protecting the dairy site from flooding from the very highest river levels.

Howard Civil Engineering were called upon to talk through a solution and proposed the use of precast ‘L’ shaped retaining wall sections (for speed) clad with locally sourced stone. The unaffected sections to the side of the failure were reinforced with soil nails.