Otley Road

Otley Road Newsletter 3

01 November 2018

Otley Road Roadworks. Newsletter 3. Week commencing Monday 29th October

This is the third newsletter, providing you with information regarding the road works on Otley Road for the new Charles Church Residential Development.

Works have progressed well over the last 2 weeks. Both the foul sewer connection and the new power cables have been installed from the Beckwith Head Junction to the Charles Church site.

As the works progressed away from the junction we were able to switch from using the 4 way temporary traffic signals to using the 2 way signals, which slightly reduces disruption to the Otley Road traffic.

In the area of the road widening at the Charles Church site entrance, we have laid concrete protection to the BT duct (see below) because it falls under the new widened section of the carriageway. We have laid a pipe in the old ditch and raised the verge with imported stone.

Pedestrians are now diverted into the carriageway until the new footpath is constructed.

The next 2 weeks

During the next 2 weeks we will continue to use the 2 way temporary traffic signals on Otley Road. They will remain in operation 24hrs per day for the next few weeks.

The electricity utility company, Power On Connections, will continue with the installation of the electricity cables to the site.

At the site entrance we will be continuing our work excavating for the road widening and lifting the existing levels with imported stone.

Pedestrian access will be maintained along Otley Road but diverted on to the road in the area of road widening.

The traffic signals will be monitored during the day on week days to ensure that traffic does not build up too much in either direction.

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